Mucking in – Grey Lynn!

I have one story about this 4 unit project off Richmond road in Grey Lynn – adjoining the previous one I posted about. Amongst my development management tasks, along with design mgt I was in charge of marketing the homes – i.e. giving the agent all the tools to seal the deal in pre-sales. So, we had a hard Saturday deadline for a launch date. I had a Portacom ordered to arrive on Friday morning for the display materials and we were going to create a little landscaped enclave out in front to make it all look good – a hill, some lawn, rocks, path etc. Landscaper booked for Friday arvo. Portacom arrived, I fit it out with all the marketing collateral.

Landscaper a no show.

Friday night, I was in a panic, I did not want to miss my deadline. So the flatty’s at the dungeon on Garfield, Parnell and I, after a few, decided f the landscaper, we would deliver before open home at 12pm.

7am Saturday, a bit dusty. All four of us jumped in the Holden Kingswood station wagon and headed south. First stop the trailer hire place, then the dirt and rock place, then the ready lawn place in Drury, then some outdoor furniture thrown on top.

Fully loaded golden holden back up the motorway thru Ponsonby and we started shoveling off the back of trailer, created a mound and laid ready lawn and some river rocks like André Le Nôtre (google it!).

Job done.

Agent turned up 3 minutes later, nailed the sales, no doubt ONLY because of our manicured front entrance.

Boss dropped off boxes of Heinys, to the dungeon, later that afternoon after he heard what had happened. No doubt, there were none left Sunday morning.

Gen Z into that do you think?

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